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A Book Both Awesome and Ignorable

I’m confident that my book Don’t Just Send a Resume, which is a book to help pastors in the job-search process, will be highly ignorable to many people, even many pastors. Lots and lots of people won’t read my book because lots and lots of people don’t need it.

This might seem like a strange thing to say. But as the saying goes, “a book for everyone, is a book for no one.” This is because a book for everyone is a book too general and too broad to be helpful and interesting.

And in my experience of giving Don’t Just Send a Resume to pastors, I’ve learned that most pastors are not interested in the book . . .

 . . . except for when they are!

When I bump into a pastor who is contemplating a potential transition—or a pastor who was unexpectedly thrust into one—my book becomes precious to them. Right now there are thousands of these pastors across the country, and there really is no other contemporary book on the market like it.

In fact, just last week someone reached out to me on Facebook and wrote this:

Hey man, this book looks great. Is there anyway I could get my hands on a copy now? How might I pay you for it? I’m heading into transition out of my current call and I believe this book may be of great help . . .

I know a dozen pastors who feel the same way. They are the pastors I’ve been able to coach as they transition from one church to another. I love being helpful in this way.

I don’t expect you to read the below endorsements for my book. But I’m sharing them this week to let you know why I’m doing what I’m doing and why I’d love your help getting this book into the hands of those who need it.

If you haven’t had a chance yet to help with my Kickstarter campaign, PLEASE check it out today. There are only two weeks left. Every $15 that’s pledged will help me market the book to another professor or placement coordinator at a seminary, which will have the potential to get it to many more pastors.

Praise for Don’t Just Send a Resume

“Anyone looking for a ‘job’ in a local church will want to read this book, and all of us who already have found one will wish we had it back then. With his happy, humorous, and friendly writer’s voice, Benjamin Vrbicek deftly blends the relevant theological truths with truly helpful tips for making the most of the search process from the candidate’s end. I keep giving away copies to my friends."
Matthew Mitchell
Pastor, Lanse Evangelical Free Church; Author of Resisting Gossip: Winning the War of the Wagging Tongue
Lanse, PA
Don’t Just Send a Resume is a needed resource, and it is a helpful resource. It is needed because I simply am not aware of another book tackling this specific issue that is so common in ministry. It is helpful because the author has labored to provide pastoral and practical advice. I can see taking all my staff through this book to prepare them for the eventual day they transition from one church to another church.”
Scott Zeller
Executive Pastor, Redeemer Church of Dubai
Dubai, U.A.E.
“Benjamin’s prose is clean and engaging. I love the overall gospel foundation that undergirds this book, and the practical focus that stems out of it. I think it could be helpful to people!”
Gavin Ortlund, PhD
Author and Fellow at The Henry Center
Deerfield, IL
“This book is fantastic! I will heartily recommend it to my sphere of influence as required reading. I love Benjamin’s writing. In fact, I just finished reading the chapter on money to my wife. We thought it was excellent!”
Keith Krell, PhD
Senior Pastor, Fourth Memorial Church; Professor of Biblical Exposition, Moody Bible Institute-Spokane
Spokane, WA
“Benjamin’s book is full of practical wisdom, and I highly recommend it. As a pastor recently looking for a church position, I didn’t know what questions to ask in my search. Benjamin provided me with helpful advice and also with the reassurance that I’m not alone in this process—others have navigated these waters before me.”
Dustin Tramel
Associate Pastor, Redeemer Church
London, England
“Benjamin Vrbicek combines the heart of a pastor with the savviness of a recruiter. With great conversational style, he provides the great gift of insightful, practical advice into the job-search process—a topic that can be woefully under addressed for those entering the ministry. It’s a valuable book from an insightful leader.”
Eric Herrenkohl
Business Consultant and author of How to Hire A-Players
Philadelphia, PA
“I still remember the frustration, pain, and confusion I felt as a young aspiring pastor right out of seminary looking for the perfect church. Now I am on the other side helping aspiring missionaries and church planters discern God’s calling and timing for ministry placement. This book will be a great encouragement and practical help to anyone pursuing full-time ministry.”
Scott Dunford
VP of Mobilization at ABWE International
New Cumberland, PA
“As a district staff member with the EFCA, I help pastors and churches in their placement. Sometimes it is like a hand in glove fit, but often it can be an arduous game of putting your best foot forward, prayer, sweat, wait and see. Benjamin Vrbicek has masterfully woven the threads of pitfalls and fears of looking for a job, along with offering wise counsel for finding the proper fit as a pastor in a new church. This book should be read by every pastor looking for a new ministry position.”
Peter Johnson
Associate District Superintendent
Eastern District of the EFCA
“I’m thankful for Benjamin, his writing ministry, and this new book in particular. Here, he wisely shepherds Christian leaders through some of the most important transitions we will ever make. It’s grounded, sensitive, and exceptionally helpful.”
Jeremy Linneman
Lead Pastor, Trinity Community Church; Author of Life-Giving Groups
Columbia, MO
“Exceptional writing. The main themes are introduced and expounded. Don’t Just Send a Resume has a strong biblical basis to it as well as concrete advice. A pastor can read this and know just what to do.”
Jeff Davis, PhD
Director, Child Evangelism Fellowship of Eastern PA, Inc.; Adjunct Professor, Capital Bible Seminary and Graduate School
Harrisburg, PA
“The process of finding a church home to minister in is one of the more difficult things about pastoral ministry. The process is long and arduous. Benjamin Vrbicek’s book is filled with theological and practical help for the pastor who is searching.”
Jason Worsley
Preaching Pastor, Grace Bible Church
Grapevine, TX
“This is the book that every seminary student needed to read and didn’t get to. Simple, practical, yet detailed and insightful, this will serve as a great go-to guide for pursuing a new position in ministry, whether it be the first call or a later one. Most importantly, this book helps the pastor consider the entire process through a biblical framework.”
Stephen Morefield
Pastor, Christ Covenant EPC; Author of Fierce Grace
Leoti, KS
“Benjamin writes on this subject with a personal transparency, theological richness, and attention to detail that is really compelling. As a lay elder who has led a couple pastoral search committees, I found the book accessible, helpful and practical, and, though it was not written for this purpose, I would use it as a reference if I was called on to lead another committee. I highly recommend the book to you.”
Michael Grenier
Manager at TE Connectivity, lay-elder, and veteran of pastoral search committees
Harrisburg, PA
“As pastors we are taught to faithfully handle God’s word and shepherd his people and not be self-promoters in a job search process. I’m grateful for the practical helps this book offers but I’m more grateful for the heart behind all the words. This process can be hard emotionally and spiritually and can impact your family and marriage. Benjamin seeks to pastor other pastors as they engage their own process of seeking God’s calling and placement.”
Simon Kim
Associate Pastor, Desert Hills Presbyterian Church
Scottsdale, AZ 
“Benjamin Vrbicek’s Don’t Just Send a Resume is a thorough and systematic guide for any pastor seeking to move to another ministry. Benjamin’s book is biblically grounded, principled and true to the minister’s experiences while aptly answering the hows and whys of seeking to serve in another corner of God’s kingdom. It has proven to be a great tool for this seasoned pastor.”
Paulo Freire
Pastor, Hope Evangelical Free Church
Wantage, NJ

* Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash